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Volunteer Request Form
The Office of Student Community Service wants to ensure all events that request volunteers have their expectations met. Please fill out the following form to the best of your ability so we can ensure the person(s) filling out this form receive the support and volunteers they desire. The Graduate Assistant for Student Community Service will reach out to the person who fills out the application with any clarifications that may be needed, and to confirm the event and begin the process in finding volunteers.
Contact Name (Person filling out the form)
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number(s)
Please include information regarding the mission of the event, information about the agency hosting the event, and any other information regarding this volunteer opportunity
Name of the Event
Location of Event
Time of Event (Beginning to End)
Number of Volunteers Requested
Please indicate below the tasks volunteers will be completing and the shift times
A Link to online sign-ups (if applicable)
Please enter the date below in which your organization requires a list of volunteers (if volunteers can sign-up to the day of the event, please leave this box blank)
Have you received Shepherd University Volunteers in the past?